A Missing Rainbow

Published July 11, 2012 by aquahlekkergarla

Morning lovers…dont you just hate liars…like why do people lie????????i ask myself all the time.Me and lies are so not friends.I have people lying to me alllllllllllll the time,like everywhere,at work,school,home,on the streets,malls,everywhere i go lies lies lies…..some play around with it they just dont know how lies can be addictive like you just cant say a word thats not a lie,each sentence you say is fully fertilised with lies aargh…for examole,this guy who makes our payments at work lies more than anyone in the whole world.He lies more so that his fore head is written LIAR of liars.When he lies he cant even cover that lie, like he doesnt see a problem with lying?it will be like nothing happened while you wait for him to give an explanation or something,i told him to go see a doctor because his lying has turned in to a disease and an airbourne one for that matter because even his friends lie like him m now.From last week he was suppose to produce my payslip and some money till today, he lie,he switches off his phone or he doesnt answer only today i get hold of him and he says he will do that today but i know he is lying.He just ruined my plans i was suppose to go to South Africa,Pretoria tomorrow now i dont know what my plan is..iam so clueless…i want to travell because we have a long holiday here am so pissed aiii….

Anyway lets talk color now…COLOR…COLOR…color…somehow i happen to be crazy with anything colourful,jewellery,clothes,bedding,shoes its just too crazy and here is one of my color combination outfit,green *mmmh hhh*,yellow,orange,blue,yellow and others lol…..

You realise am not wearing heavy winter clothes ,its because i was in another country#Daddy’s hometown…*from previous posts…;)* its so warm there,anyway hope you enjoyed the pix…



13 comments on “A Missing Rainbow

  • Too bad about your salary. It happens to us in Ghana sometimes, when salaries are delayed. I get so frustrated because all my plans are derailed then. You look good in these colours. And that is a plus, my dear.

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